The spiritually uplifting visit of Pope Francis to the United States in September 2015 reminds us all of the resonance this rock star Pope has found not just for Catholics, but for those of all American faith communities, and those of no faith at all. Francis reaches across all boundaries in his quest for peace and understanding: the brotherhood of all mankind.
Just so, on May 5, 2014, a very special concert took place in Constitution Hall in Washington D.C., celebrating the newly declared sainthood of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II. Both these holy men, now raised to the altar, exemplified, throughout their saintly lives, these same universal values so beautifully shown in the spirit of Pope Francis.
That concert, co-sponsored by Georgetown University, the Archdiocese of Washington, the Embassies of Argentina, Italy, Poland, and the Holy See and by WETA (Public Television in D.C.) had in the audience movers and shakers from both the government and the private sphere, as well as the least of these, people of all races and creeds, the healthy and the sick, come to find Peace Through Music - as all three of these Great Popes would have wished.
This Washington canonizations concert was created and conducted by Sir Gilbert Levine, whom "America Magazine" and "60 Minutes" have dubbed "The Pope's Maestro".
Sir Gilbert, an American Jew from Brooklyn, New York, met Pope John Paul II when he was named Music Director of the Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra in the Polish Pope's home city in 1988. Their 17 year relationship led to televised concerts, at the Vatican and around the world, on the theme of peace and reconciliation among people of all faiths.
This web site is dedicated to exploring what Pope John Paul's Private Secretary, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, has described as "a deep spiritual friendship" between the Pope and his Jewish Maestro. Learning the lessons that this unique relationship can teach us about the world so clearly seen by Popes John XIII, John Paul II and Francis, a world too often torn apart by religious division and intolerance towards the very differences that make each of us unique and valuable on this earth. These great Popes envision a World that is common to all, a Creation that we must all learn to share.
Included here you will find excerpts from "The Pope's Maestro", Sir Gilbert Levine’s best-selling memoir about his 17 year relationship with Saint John Paul II, musical excerpts from some of Maestro Levine's concerts for the Pope, showing the power of music to bring us peace where words so often fail; and many more entry points that we hope will spark discussion of how we can reach out to one another in peace and understanding, through music, words and deeds, in kindness and understanding. All inspired by the three Pope's we honor in this "Celebration of Peace Through Music".
Our acronym M.U.S.I.C. expresses these values in their essential form:
Music - Understanding - Spirit - Inspiration - Courage.
So, we welcome you to explore our website. We hope it will open your mind and your heart in a way that will lift your spirit and make this world a better place for all.
We wish you all: Pax Per Musicam - Peace Through Music
Most Sincerely,
Paul Tagliabue and Father Joseph Parkes, S.J.
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